Arthur Koestler wrote: "Yet to this day a large number of Indians give that curious impression of never having quite grown up, of a rather moving, child-like quality, an arrested development not of the intellect but of the character, which seems somehow blurred, soft, undecided and vague, without proper contour and individuality. In extreme cases, they indeed seem to have no will and no personality of their own eager for praise, over-sensitive to criticism, smilingly irresponsible, always ready to oblige, yet stubborn in an infantile way, shy, prim, prudish, and sexless.”
1. This explains why, in the general elections of 2024, Hindus gave 37 seats to a party in the state of UP that harbours mafia dons, and that had totally devastated UP during various tenures of its rule between 1989 and 2017. Hindus do not hold character flaws the most crucial element of the rulers, because they themselves have the arrested development of the character. They find nothing wrong with dowry, bribery, cheating in exams, in recruitments, etc. Therefore they find nothing wrong in their rulers who loot the exchequer, who have criminals in their cabinets, who extort money from the businessmen and the industrialists. The economy dies as a result, but Hindus are not able to connect their poverty and unemployment to their choices. Even today, if you meet a Hindu father, within five minutes of pleasantries he will start requesting job for his children. But come elections, he will go out and vote for those who destroy jobs. Or won’t go out to vote at all.
2. This also explains why Rahul Gandhi won with about 4 lakh votes, and Modi with only 1,50,000 votes. Though Rahul Gandhi is in alliance with a party that calls Hindu Dharma dengue and malaria, and Modi was instrumental in the construction of Ram Mandir, a cherished desire of 500 years, and unified the country by abolishing the article 370. Because the mass of Hindus has no knowledge, no comprehension, of the dangers awaiting them, the attacks on their religion and the country; or of the current affairs. Hindus always exhibit unquestioning devotion to the father figure of the present moment. They have gone back to Rahul Gandhi because he represents the parental figures long held in veneration by Hindus: Nehru and Indira. Though both destroyed India’s economy and made it wretchedly poor.
3. This also explains why only few lakh Muslims and later Brits ruled Hindus. Anybody can control children. Organisations are a typical adult phenomenon. Children rarely get along for more than few hours, though they may make up soon afterwards. Even siblings have to be separated from fights every few hours. Therefore Hindus could never unite and overthrow the enslavers. To have never been enslaved all that Hindus needed to do was stand together in the public square. Hindus could not manage to do that for a long 800 years.
So? Wither Hindus?
There is nothing to despair. There is nothing genetically wrong with Hindus. The arrested character development is the doing of the supremacists among Hindus who, having reached the preeminence, wanted to freeze the status quo, to have permanent privileges. They excluded people from education, they even froze the education itself to rot memorisation, instead of promoting thinking and questioning. The poverty that resulted made Hindus risk averse, parents started to cling to their children, not permitting them to go out and take risks.
With poor development of the character, people became untrustworthy, they stopped keeping their promises. This affected trade and commerce, which killed division of labour, the fount of wealth. This soon progressed to outright theft and extortions, further squeezing the economy. India became utterly poor.
Just like physical development depends on the diet, so does the mental (both intellectual and character wise) development depend on the diet, the diet that consists in education. The education with content carefully chosen to expose our children to all thoughts, all knowledge, all laws of morality and essence of integrity. The education that first and foremost teaches the values of integrity and absolute respect for each human being and their property.
Supremacists will resist it. Most of the privileged groups often choose annihilation than giving up the privileges. But between Hindu Dharma and the transient privileges of the supremacists, we choose Hindu Dharma.
Our task is well-defined, and is calling us.
All reactions:
3Ajai Singh, Vishwajeet Sinha and 1 other